Links page
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AMSAT Home Page
Arno EH Antenna
Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS)
BayCom - Bavarian Packet Radio Group
Bletchley Park (Station X)
British Amateur Radio Teledata Group
British Amateur Television Club (BATC)
British Railways Amateur Radio Society
Buckmaster World Wide HamCall(tm) Server
Cambridge Raynet
Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club
CAMB-HAMs - The Social Side of the CRG
Cambridgeshire Repeater Group
Cambridge University Wireless Society (CUWS)
Crawley Amateur Radio Club
Down East Microwave
Drake Virtual Museum
Eddystone User Group Web Site
EME, SETI, Radio, Astronomy and DSP for Radio Amateurs (W6-PA0ZN)
Essex Repeater Group
Euro Radio System (ERS)
European Antennas
European Microwave News
Andy G6OHM very good radio site
Gavin M1BXF's Geekhouse Very good site
GJ4ICD's International Amateur Radio Information
GPS-controlled Frequency Standard by Brooks Shera
Ham radio deluxe
Ham Test's Thee Best tool online for Exams
Harry's Homebrew Homepages
Heathkit Virtual Museum
ICOM (UK) Ltd.
International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)
International Short Wave League
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Javiation - The Scanner Specialists
KE5FX (John Miles) - An Experimental Microwave Data Link for 10-Megabit Ethernet
Kemtron Ltd.
Lindenblad - The Ultimate Satellite Omni Antenna
Microwave Committee (RSGB) Components Service
Mogami Wire & Cable (site contains useful web based CAD software)
Narrow Band TV Association
Radio Amateur Invalid and Blind Club
Radio Collector Links
Radio Museums in UK and USA
Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) contents page
Remote Imaging Group
Rogers Corporation - Microwave Impedance Calculator (MWIJ 1.0)
RSGB VHF Contest Committee
Southgate ARC
Tennamast (Scotland) Ltd.
UK Six Meter Group
UKIP (no, the radio UKIP, NOT the other lot)
VHF Communications
Vintage and Milatary Amateur Radio Society
Panther pi